Past Exhibitions

Ralph Arnold

My Bag
Reception: Oct. 29th from 6 - 9 pm

October 30 - December 23, 2010

Press Release

Amer­ican artist Ralph Arnold, who died in 2006, is best known for the mas­terful collages and assem­blages that he started making in the early 1960s.

Born in Chicago in 1928 and raised by his aunt and uncle after his mother died in childbirth, Ralph Arnold spent much of his early life in search of an identity. After gra­dua­ting from high school, his early artis­tic train­ing was at Uni­ver­sity of Illi­nois, but this first attempt was abruptly interrupted. From 1951 to 1953, Arnold served in the army in Korea, a life-chang­ing expe­r­i­ence that he doc­u­mented in a mov­ing photo-journal. When he returned to civil­ian life, in 1954, he con­tin­ued his studies at Uni­ver­sity of Illi­nois, eventu­ally earn­ing his BFA from Roo­sevelt Uni­ver­sity in 1955 and by the end of the 1950s, Arnold produced his earli­est mature work. In the late 1960s he took up teach­ing and from 1972 to 2000 his was an influ­en­tial and admired fig­ure at Loyola Uni­ver­sity in Chicago.

Influ­enced by Paul Klee and Kurt Schwitters and keenly aware of the work of his con­tem­po­rar­ies Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns, Arnold devel­oped an oeuvre that moved freely between abs­tract and fig­u­ra­tive art but was always thor­oughly immersed in the complex visual lan­guages of pop­u­lar cul­ture. Arnold always claimed to be an artist first, and an African Amer­ican sec­ond. Nev­er­the­less, some of Arnold’s work is explic­itly con­cerned with the social and polit­ical aspects of African Amer­ican cul­ture. But his work also dealt with what it meant to be just an Amer­ican. In his great collages (on canvas or board) of the late 1960s images of war, pol­i­tics and demon­s­tra­tions are inter­spersed with cutt­ings that read ‚POVERTY AMIDST PLENTY’ or ‚INJURED IN CHICAGO’. In the 1970s, Arnold turned his atten­tion to Amer­ica’s bla­tant mate­r­i­al­ism—with­out even trying to con­ceal the pleasure of his own con­sumerist behav­iour. This ambiva­lence is part of what gives them their power—and their wit. Arnold’s homo­sexu­al­ity also made its way into his work—ini­tially in a very quiet way, then more overt as years progressed. The strength of his mul­ti­far­i­ous oeuvre lies in Arnold’s irre­sistible per­son­al­ity—bold, self-crit­ical, gen­er­ous, eth­ical and full of humour and gen­uine visual delight.

Please visit Nolan Judin Berlin for images and more information.

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