Past Exhibitions

Erwin Pfrang

Paintings and Drawings

January 18 - February 23, 2002

David Nolan New York
527 West 29th Street
New York, NY 10001

t: +1 212 925 6190
f: +1 212 334 9139

Press Release

Erwin Pfrang must have an itch that he can only scratch by drawing. He fiddles around in some toxic waste site of the mind, pulling pictures out of cavities where anything could lurk. His drawings are most of the things that drawings can be: diagrammatic, random, representational, abstract, self-expressive, impersonal—tracing the shadow of a big idea. They spring from an inderminate attitude to history, not that of an Outsider (he's outside of that), but with no particular agenda beyond an acceptance of graphic dominions. They've been scratched in the sand by someone marooned in his own life.. [Carroll Dunham in Bomb Magazine, Fall 1999]

This is Erwin Pfrang's 4th one-person show at Nolan/ Eckman Gallery.

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