Past Exhibitions

Prints by Copley, Dunham, Hamilton, Nauman, Nutt, Richter, Roth

December 13, 2000 - January 20, 2001

David Nolan New York
527 West 29th Street
New York, NY 10001

t: +1 212 925 6190
f: +1 212 334 9139

Press Release

This exhibition features 7 well-known contemporary artists who have regarded printmaking to be indispensable throughout their careers. Over the years, each has used printmaking to refine the substantial and iconic images that define their work. In the case of several, notably Dieter Roth and Gerhard Richter, it could be argued that a full appreciation of their careers is impossible without considering their graphic works. The exhibition provides an opportunity to observe a group of American and European artists through some of their most spontaneous and innovative works.

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