Born 1946 in Fort Campbell, Kentucky
Died 1995 in Chicago, IL
Solo Exhibitions
Christina Ramberg, The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Boston
Corset Urns and Other Inventions: 1968-1980, David Nolan Gallery, New York
Paintings and Drawings, Adam Baumgold Gallery, New York
Drawings, Gallery 400 at University of Illinois at Chicago
Ben Maltz Gallery at Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles
Herron Gallery at the Herron School of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Marsh Gallery at University of Richmond Museums, Richmond, VA
A Retrospective 1968-1988, The Renaissance Society, Chicago
Phyllis Kind Gallery, New York
Phyllis Kind Gallery, New York
Phyllis Kind Gallery, New York
Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
Group Exhibitions
Liverpool Biennial: A Needle Walks Into a Haystack, Tate Liverpool
Automaton, Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne
Chicago Imagists, Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Madison, WI
Re: Chicago, DePaul University Art Museum, Chicago
Go Figure, Smart Museum at The University of Chicago
Ox-bow Centennial, Corbett vs. Dempsey, Chicago
Everything’s Here, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
irls and Company, Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Madison, WI
Chicago Imagism, Russell Bowman Art Advisory, Chicago
Karl Wirsum: Winsome Works (some) and Hairy Who (and some others), Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Madison, WI
Unsung, Nicole Klagsbrun, New York
Abstract Imagist, Corbett vs. Dempsey, Chicago
Soft Edge, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
Fabulous Histories: Indigenous Anomalies in American Art, Fleisher-Ollman Gallery, Philadelphia
Hair Stories, Adam Baumgold Gallery, New York
Quirky, Adam Baumgold Gallery, New York
On Paper, Fleischer/Ottman Gallery, Philadelphia
Art In Chicago, 1945-1995, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
Drawing Invitational: Twenty-Nine Chicago Artists, Sara Spurgeon Gallery, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
On Kawara: Date Paintings, The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago
Christina Ramberg: A Retrospective 1968-1988, The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago
Surfaces: Two Decades of Painting in Chicago, Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago
The Prints of Ten Chicago Imagist Artists, David and Alfred Smart Gallery, University of Chicago Drawings from the Chicago Imagists, The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago
Quilts, Carl Hammer Gallery, Chicago
Imagist Update, Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago
Contemporary Quilts, Karl Oskar Gallery, Westwood Hills, KS
Artists Call Against U.S. Intervention in Central America and the Caribbean, Dart Gallery, Chicago
Ten Years of Collecting at the MCA, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
Chicago Cross Section, Trisolini Gallery of Ohio University, Athens, OH
Chicago Scene, Mandeville Art Gallery, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Looking at Women: Images of Women by Contemporary Artists, Artemisia Gallery, Chicago
Contemporary Chicago Imagists, Merwin and Wakeley Gallery, Illinois Wesleyan University, Chicago
Chicago Imagists, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri; Traveled to: Saginaw Museum of Art, Saginaw, MI
Selections from the Dennis Adrian Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
Fifty National Women in Art, Edison Community College, Fort Meyers, FL
A Woman’s Place, John Michael Kohler Art Center, Sheboygan, WI
Who Chicago? An Exhibition of Contemporary Imagists, Ceolfrith Gallery Sunderland Arts Centre London, England; Traveled to: Third Eye Center, Glasgow, Scotland; Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, Scotland; Ulster Museum, Belfast, Ireland; Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), Boston; Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, LA
The Figurative Tradition in American Art, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Some Recent Art from Chicago, Ackland Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Renderings of the Modern Woman, Joseloff Gallery at the University of Hartford, Hartford, CT
American Paintings of the Sixties and Seventies: Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, Montgomery Museum of Fine Art, Montgomery, AL
1979 Biennial Exhibition, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Chicago Currents: The Koffler Foundation Collection, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Eleven Chicago Painters, The University of South Florida Gallery of Art, Tallahassee, FL
Contemporary Chicago Painters, University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art, Cedar Rapids, IA
76th Exhibition of Artists of Chicago and Vicinity, The Art Institute of Chicago
The Chicago Connection, E.B. Crocker Art Gallery, Sacramento, CA; Traveled to: Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport, California; Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix Arizona; Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, Memphis Tennessee; Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, New York
Old and New Work by Artists from the Phyllis Kind Gallery, Foster Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI
Visions: Painting and Sculpture: Distinguished Alumni from 1945 to the Present, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Beispiel Eisenstadt IV: Internationale Malerwochen im Burgenland, Landesgalerie im Schloss Esterhazy, Eisenstadt, Austria
Made in Chicago, XII Bienal Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
1972 Biennial Exhibition, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
75th Exhibition by Artists of Chicago and Vicinity, The Art Institute of Chicago
Young Chicago Artists, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Kalamazoo, MI
Chicago Imagist Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
What They’re Up To in Chicago, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
The New Curiosity Shop, The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago
Surplus Slop from the Windy City, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco; Sacramento State College of Art Gallery, Sacramento, CA
Thirteen Chicago Artists, Richard Feigen Gallery, New York
Don Baum Sez ‘Chicago Needs Famous Artists’, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
Spirit of the Comics, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
False Image II, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL
False Image, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL